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cashew milk for hypertension

Is Cashew Milk Safe to Consume for People with Hypertension?

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a condition where blood pressure is 130/80 mmHg or higher. If not properly managed, high blood pressure can lead to serious complications such as heart disease, stroke, and other organ damage.

Regulating diet is one important step in controlling blood pressure. Is cashew milk safe for people that has hypertension? Let’s find out together in this article!

What Is Hypertension?

Blood pressure is the pressure in the blood vessels when the heart pumps blood throughout the body. Blood pressure is expressed in two values separated by a slash (/).

The top number is the systolic value, and the bottom number is the diastolic value. For example, a blood pressure reading of 120/80 means 120 is the systolic value and 80 is the diastolic value. Blood pressure is considered normal if the systolic value is between 90 and 120 and the diastolic value is between 60 and 80.

High blood pressure occurs when the blood pressure reading is 130/80 or higher. According to Joint National Committee (JNC) VII, the classification of high blood pressure is as follows:

  • Prehypertension: systolic between 120 and 139 mmHg and diastolic between 80 and 89 mmHg.
  • Hypertension stage 1: systolic 140-159 mmHg and diastolic between 90-99 mmHg.
  • Hypertension stage 2: systolic over 160 mmHg and diastolic over 100 mmHg.

Causes and Symptoms of Hypertension

High blood pressure can be caused by various factors, including genetic factors, obesity, excessive salt consumption, kidney disease, thyroid disease, and vascular abnormalities.

Hypertension often does not cause symptoms. This is why high blood pressure is called a “silent killer” because it does not always cause symptoms, so patients may not realize they have high blood pressure until they suddenly experience complications.

However, some people may experience symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, or nosebleeds when blood pressure is very high.

Because it can cause fatal complications, you should regularly check your blood pressure. If high blood pressure is detected, consult a doctor immediately.

Additionally, you should maintain a healthy diet and avoid foods that can trigger an increase in blood pressure, such as high-salt foods. 

Is Cashew Milk Safe for Hypertension Patients?

Cashew milk is generally safe for hypertension patients. Cashews contain healthy fats and are low in sodium (salt). However, you must ensure that the cashew milk you consume does not contain excessive added salt or sugar, as these can affect blood pressure.

Furthermore, you need to pay attention to your body’s reaction when consuming cashew milk. If symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, itching, or shortness of breath occur, stop consumption immediately!

Nutrients in Cashew Milk Beneficial for Hypertension Patients

Cashew milk contains various nutrients beneficial for hypertension patients, including:

1. Healthy Fats

Cashew milk contains healthy fats that can help lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL), which is important for heart health.

2. Magnesium

This mineral plays a role in the relaxation of heart and blood vessel muscles, which can help lower blood pressure.

3. Potassium

Potassium helps balance the effects of sodium (salt) in the body, thus preventing high blood pressure.

4. Antioxidants

Antioxidants help combat oxidative stress or free radicals that can damage blood vessels and contribute to high blood pressure.

How to Consume Cashew Milk for Hypertension Patients

Cashew milk is safe for hypertension patients to consume, but it should be consumed wisely and not excessively. Here are healthy ways to consume cashew milk for hypertension patients:

1. Choose Milk without Added Sugar and Salt

Make sure to choose cashew milk without added sugar or salt to avoid the risk of high blood pressure.

2. Combine with a Healthy Diet

You can include cashew milk in your diet as an additional nutrient source. A healthy diet with balanced nutrition remains the most important nutrient source for the body.

3. Watch the Portion

Although cashew milk is healthy and safe to consume, consume it in reasonable amounts to avoid excess calories. 

Arummi’s Recommendation: Let’s Drink Arummi Cashew Milk to Complement Your Nutrient Intake!

Cashew milk can be a beneficial dietary addition for hypertension patients. Arummi cashew milk is enriched with nutrients that can support body health.

Let’s drink Arummi cashew milk! Get it at your nearest supermarket!


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High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a condition where blood pressure is 130/80 mmHg or higher. If not properly managed, high blood pressure can lead to serious complications such as heart disease, stroke, and other organ damage.

Regulating diet is one important step in controlling blood pressure. Is cashew milk safe for people that has hypertension? Let’s find out together in this article!

What Is Hypertension?

Blood pressure is the pressure in the blood vessels when the heart pumps blood throughout the body. Blood pressure is expressed in two values separated by a slash (/).

The top number is the systolic value, and the bottom number is the diastolic value. For example, a blood pressure reading of 120/80 means 120 is the systolic value and 80 is the diastolic value. Blood pressure is considered normal if the systolic value is between 90 and 120 and the diastolic value is between 60 and 80.

High blood pressure occurs when the blood pressure reading is 130/80 or higher. According to Joint National Committee (JNC) VII, the classification of high blood pressure is as follows:

Causes and Symptoms of Hypertension

High blood pressure can be caused by various factors, including genetic factors, obesity, excessive salt consumption, kidney disease, thyroid disease, and vascular abnormalities.

Hypertension often does not cause symptoms. This is why high blood pressure is called a “silent killer” because it does not always cause symptoms, so patients may not realize they have high blood pressure until they suddenly experience complications.

However, some people may experience symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, or nosebleeds when blood pressure is very high.

Because it can cause fatal complications, you should regularly check your blood pressure. If high blood pressure is detected, consult a doctor immediately.

Additionally, you should maintain a healthy diet and avoid foods that can trigger an increase in blood pressure, such as high-salt foods. 

Is Cashew Milk Safe for Hypertension Patients?

Cashew milk is generally safe for hypertension patients. Cashews contain healthy fats and are low in sodium (salt). However, you must ensure that the cashew milk you consume does not contain excessive added salt or sugar, as these can affect blood pressure.

Furthermore, you need to pay attention to your body’s reaction when consuming cashew milk. If symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, itching, or shortness of breath occur, stop consumption immediately!

Nutrients in Cashew Milk Beneficial for Hypertension Patients

Cashew milk contains various nutrients beneficial for hypertension patients, including:

1. Healthy Fats

Cashew milk contains healthy fats that can help lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL), which is important for heart health.

2. Magnesium

This mineral plays a role in the relaxation of heart and blood vessel muscles, which can help lower blood pressure.

3. Potassium

Potassium helps balance the effects of sodium (salt) in the body, thus preventing high blood pressure.

4. Antioxidants

Antioxidants help combat oxidative stress or free radicals that can damage blood vessels and contribute to high blood pressure.

How to Consume Cashew Milk for Hypertension Patients

Cashew milk is safe for hypertension patients to consume, but it should be consumed wisely and not excessively. Here are healthy ways to consume cashew milk for hypertension patients:

1. Choose Milk without Added Sugar and Salt

Make sure to choose cashew milk without added sugar or salt to avoid the risk of high blood pressure.

2. Combine with a Healthy Diet

You can include cashew milk in your diet as an additional nutrient source. A healthy diet with balanced nutrition remains the most important nutrient source for the body.

3. Watch the Portion

Although cashew milk is healthy and safe to consume, consume it in reasonable amounts to avoid excess calories. 

Arummi’s Recommendation: Let’s Drink Arummi Cashew Milk to Complement Your Nutrient Intake!

Cashew milk can be a beneficial dietary addition for hypertension patients. Arummi cashew milk is enriched with nutrients that can support body health.

Let’s drink Arummi cashew milk! Get it at your nearest supermarket!


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