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susu kacang mede untuk ibu postpartum

Is Cashew Milk Safe to Consume for Postpartum Moms? What are the Benefits?

After giving birth, a mother will enter the postpartum period. During this time, the mother’s body will undergo several changes.

This article will discuss what the postpartum period is, the changes that occur, and the nutrients needed by the mother during this time.

What is Postpartum?

Postpartum is the period of recovery for the mother’s body and reproductive organs after giving birth. Typically, the postpartum period lasts for six weeks.

During the postpartum period, the mother’s reproductive organs gradually return to normal. The uterus, which expanded during pregnancy, will return to its original size.

During this time, blood continues to be discharged from the vagina to cleanse the remnants of tissues. This blood is called lochia.

Based on the color of the lochia, the postpartum period has four stages:

1. Lochia Rubra

Occurs from delivery until day 4. The blood is bright red.

2. Lochia Sanguinolenta

The blood is red to brownish, sometimes with mucus. It occurs from day 4 to day 7 after delivery.

3. Lochia Serosa

The discharge is yellow to brownish. It occurs from day 7 to day 14 after delivery.

4. Lochia Alba

Occurs from week 2 to week 6 after delivery. Discharge is white to yellowish.

Postpartum bleeding normally doesn’t have a strong or fishy odor. If the blood has a strong odor and is accompanied by a fever, the mother should promptly consult a doctor.

The postpartum period is a time of recovery for the mother. Therefore, postpartum mothers should pay attention to their nutritional intake.

Nutritional Needs for Postpartum Mothers

Postpartum mothers require nutritional intake to aid in body recovery, provide a source of energy, maintain fluid balance, and regulate hormonal changes. Additionally, nutrients from food play a crucial role in breastfeeding.

Here are some essential nutrients for postpartum mothers:

1. Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are the primary energy source for the body. Postpartum mothers need ample energy, especially if they are breastfeeding and caring for their little ones. Complex carbohydrates, such as brown rice, whole wheat bread, and whole grain cereals, are recommended.

2. Protein

Protein plays a vital role in wound healing. During childbirth, the mother’s reproductive organs may experience injury. Consuming protein sources can expedite the recovery process. Eggs, lean meats, tofu, tempeh, milk, and legumes are good protein sources.

3. Iron

A significant amount of blood is lost during childbirth and the postpartum period, potentially leading to anemia. Iron is crucial for red blood cell formation, and its consumption helps prevent anemia. Red meat, liver, and green leafy vegetables are sources of iron.

4. Calcium

Calcium is essential for maintaining bone and tooth density. During pregnancy, the mother’s body utilizes a substantial amount of calcium for fetal development. Since the body cannot produce calcium on its own, it is important to consume calcium-rich foods like milk, cheese, and yogurt.

5. Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals play a role in the recovery process and boost the immune system. Postpartum mothers are susceptible to infections during the recovery period, emphasizing the need for sufficient vitamin and mineral intake. Fruits, vegetables, eggs, and milk are good sources of these nutrients.

Is Cashew Milk Safe to Consume for Postpartum Moms?

Basically, postpartum mothers can consume cashew milk as long as they don’t have an allergy to cashews and their derivatives.

If allergic symptoms occur after consuming cashew milk, stop consumption immediately.

Some allergy symptoms include:

  • Itchy sensation in the body
  • Redness on the skin
  • Diarrhea and abdominal pain
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Swelling in the mouth or other body parts

Cashew Milk Benefits for Postpartum Moms

Cashew milk contains various nutrients essential for postpartum mothers. Therefore, cashew milk can be a choice to fulfill the nutritional needs of postpartum mothers.

Some benefits of cashew milk for postpartum mothers include:

1. Energy Source

In 170 ml of cashew milk, there are 100 kcal. Cashew milk also contains complex carbohydrates, providing additional energy for postpartum mothers.

2. Aid in Wound Healing

Cashew milk contains proteins that play a role in cell and tissue formation, aiding in the healing of wounds.

Improving the immune system Cashew milk contains various vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, B2, B9, B12, D, and E, which can enhance the immune system, especially in postpartum mothers.

3. Preventing Anemia

Cashew milk contains iron, which is essential for hemoglobin formation, thereby preventing anemia.

Arummi’s Recommendation: Let’s Drink Arummi Cashew Milk to Fulfill your Nutritional Needs!

Arummi Cashew Milk contains various nutrients that can support your body’s health. Its taste is delicious, combining the sweetness and nuttiness of cashews.

Meet your nutritional needs by drinking Arummi Cashew Milk. Get it at the nearest supermarket in your city!


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After giving birth, a mother will enter the postpartum period. During this time, the mother’s body will undergo several changes.

This article will discuss what the postpartum period is, the changes that occur, and the nutrients needed by the mother during this time.

What is Postpartum?

Postpartum is the period of recovery for the mother’s body and reproductive organs after giving birth. Typically, the postpartum period lasts for six weeks.

During the postpartum period, the mother’s reproductive organs gradually return to normal. The uterus, which expanded during pregnancy, will return to its original size.

During this time, blood continues to be discharged from the vagina to cleanse the remnants of tissues. This blood is called lochia.

Based on the color of the lochia, the postpartum period has four stages:

1. Lochia Rubra

Occurs from delivery until day 4. The blood is bright red.

2. Lochia Sanguinolenta

The blood is red to brownish, sometimes with mucus. It occurs from day 4 to day 7 after delivery.

3. Lochia Serosa

The discharge is yellow to brownish. It occurs from day 7 to day 14 after delivery.

4. Lochia Alba

Occurs from week 2 to week 6 after delivery. Discharge is white to yellowish.

Postpartum bleeding normally doesn’t have a strong or fishy odor. If the blood has a strong odor and is accompanied by a fever, the mother should promptly consult a doctor.

The postpartum period is a time of recovery for the mother. Therefore, postpartum mothers should pay attention to their nutritional intake.

Nutritional Needs for Postpartum Mothers

Postpartum mothers require nutritional intake to aid in body recovery, provide a source of energy, maintain fluid balance, and regulate hormonal changes. Additionally, nutrients from food play a crucial role in breastfeeding.

Here are some essential nutrients for postpartum mothers:

1. Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are the primary energy source for the body. Postpartum mothers need ample energy, especially if they are breastfeeding and caring for their little ones. Complex carbohydrates, such as brown rice, whole wheat bread, and whole grain cereals, are recommended.

2. Protein

Protein plays a vital role in wound healing. During childbirth, the mother’s reproductive organs may experience injury. Consuming protein sources can expedite the recovery process. Eggs, lean meats, tofu, tempeh, milk, and legumes are good protein sources.

3. Iron

A significant amount of blood is lost during childbirth and the postpartum period, potentially leading to anemia. Iron is crucial for red blood cell formation, and its consumption helps prevent anemia. Red meat, liver, and green leafy vegetables are sources of iron.

4. Calcium

Calcium is essential for maintaining bone and tooth density. During pregnancy, the mother’s body utilizes a substantial amount of calcium for fetal development. Since the body cannot produce calcium on its own, it is important to consume calcium-rich foods like milk, cheese, and yogurt.

5. Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals play a role in the recovery process and boost the immune system. Postpartum mothers are susceptible to infections during the recovery period, emphasizing the need for sufficient vitamin and mineral intake. Fruits, vegetables, eggs, and milk are good sources of these nutrients.

Is Cashew Milk Safe to Consume for Postpartum Moms?

Basically, postpartum mothers can consume cashew milk as long as they don’t have an allergy to cashews and their derivatives.

If allergic symptoms occur after consuming cashew milk, stop consumption immediately.

Some allergy symptoms include:

Cashew Milk Benefits for Postpartum Moms

Cashew milk contains various nutrients essential for postpartum mothers. Therefore, cashew milk can be a choice to fulfill the nutritional needs of postpartum mothers.

Some benefits of cashew milk for postpartum mothers include:

1. Energy Source

In 170 ml of cashew milk, there are 100 kcal. Cashew milk also contains complex carbohydrates, providing additional energy for postpartum mothers.

2. Aid in Wound Healing

Cashew milk contains proteins that play a role in cell and tissue formation, aiding in the healing of wounds.

Improving the immune system Cashew milk contains various vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, B2, B9, B12, D, and E, which can enhance the immune system, especially in postpartum mothers.

3. Preventing Anemia

Cashew milk contains iron, which is essential for hemoglobin formation, thereby preventing anemia.

Arummi’s Recommendation: Let’s Drink Arummi Cashew Milk to Fulfill your Nutritional Needs!

Arummi Cashew Milk contains various nutrients that can support your body’s health. Its taste is delicious, combining the sweetness and nuttiness of cashews.

Meet your nutritional needs by drinking Arummi Cashew Milk. Get it at the nearest supermarket in your city!


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