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Understanding the Glycemic Index – What is its Impact on Blood Sugar?

In addition to nutritional content, the glycemic index is one of the factors to consider when choosing food, especially if you’re on a diet or have diabetes mellitus. It’s essential to be cautious about food choices.

Do you already understand what the glycemic index is and its impact on the body? Let’s explore it together in this article!

What is the glycemic index?

The glycemic index is an indicator to show how quickly the body converts carbohydrates into glucose, or blood sugar. The higher the glycemic index of a food, the faster it raises blood sugar levels.

Foods with a low glycemic index are digested into blood sugar more slowly, providing a longer-lasting feeling of fullness. Therefore, foods with a low glycemic index are recommended for people with diabetes and those aiming to lose weight.

Glycemic Index Classifications

The Glycemic Index is classified into three categories based on a numeric scale of 1 to 100:

1. Low Glycemic Index (GI):

Foods with a GI of 55 or less.

2. Medium Glycemic Index (GI):

Foods with a GI ranging from 56 to 69.

3. High Glycemic Index (GI):

Foods with a GI of 70 or higher.

Factors Affecting the Glycemic Index of Foods

The glycemic index of foods can change due to several factors, including:

1. Food Processing Methods

The way food is processed, such as boiling, steaming, frying, and pureeing, can alter its glycemic index.

For example, the glycemic index of an apple is 38, while the glycemic index of unsweetened apple juice is 40.

2. Food Combinations

Combining different foods with varying glycemic indexes will alter the overall glycemic index of the meal.

3. Food Ripeness

The ripeness of food can affect its glycemic index. For instance, a less ripe banana has a glycemic index of 42, while a ripe banana has a glycemic index of 51.

4. Types of Carbohydrates

Foods containing simple carbohydrates like sucrose tend to have a higher glycemic index compared to foods with complex carbohydrates.

5. Fiber Content

A higher fiber content in food typically results in a lower glycemic index.

The Influence of the Glycemic Index of Food on the Body

Generally, foods with a low glycemic index are considered healthy as they do not cause a rapid increase in blood sugar.

Individuals with type 2 diabetes and those on a sugar-restricted diet are advised to consume foods with a low glycemic index to control blood sugar.

Additionally, low-glycemic-index foods keep the body feeling full for a longer time, preventing quick hunger and aiding in regulating eating patterns.

However, the glycemic index is not the sole factor in choosing foods. Frying lowers the glycemic index of food, but fried foods are higher in fat and calories.

So, besides the glycemic index, also consider the preparation method, nutritional content, and your dietary needs.

Some Foods with Their Glycemic Index

According to the Glycemic Index Guide, here are some examples of foods along with their glycemic index values.

Food NameGlycemic Index
Basmati Rice50
Broccoli (fresh)15
Carrot (fresh)30
Chocolate Milk34
Corn (fresh)35
Instant Noodle52

Glycemic Index of Cashew Nut

The cashew nut has a glycemic index of 25, making it a food with a low glycemic index. However, keep in mind that the cooking process can alter its glycemic index.

If you want to enjoy cashew nuts as a snack, choose those that are not fried, without added sweeteners, and without flavor enhancers.

Sugar Content in Cashew Milk

Cashew milk is one of the processed products from cashew nuts with low sugar. In 170 ml of cashew milk, there are 9 grams of sugar, and the total calorie count is 100 kcal.

Therefore, cashew milk can be an alternative if you prefer to consume cashew nut products. Besides being low in sugar, cashew milk also contains various nutrients and is lactose-free.

Arummi’s Recommendation: Let’s Try Arummi Low-Sugar Cashew Milk

Arummi cashew milk is a product designed to be low in sugar and lactose-free, making it easy to digest.

Arummi’s cashew milk is also enriched with various nutrients that are beneficial for your health.

Let’s taste the creamy, savory, and sweet Arummi’s cashew milk! Apart from consuming it directly, you can also make coffee with the Arummi Barista variant.

Get Arummi cashew milk at your local marketplace or supermarket


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In addition to nutritional content, the glycemic index is one of the factors to consider when choosing food, especially if you’re on a diet or have diabetes mellitus. It’s essential to be cautious about food choices.

Do you already understand what the glycemic index is and its impact on the body? Let’s explore it together in this article!

What is the glycemic index?

The glycemic index is an indicator to show how quickly the body converts carbohydrates into glucose, or blood sugar. The higher the glycemic index of a food, the faster it raises blood sugar levels.

Foods with a low glycemic index are digested into blood sugar more slowly, providing a longer-lasting feeling of fullness. Therefore, foods with a low glycemic index are recommended for people with diabetes and those aiming to lose weight.

Glycemic Index Classifications

The Glycemic Index is classified into three categories based on a numeric scale of 1 to 100:

1. Low Glycemic Index (GI):

Foods with a GI of 55 or less.

2. Medium Glycemic Index (GI):

Foods with a GI ranging from 56 to 69.

3. High Glycemic Index (GI):

Foods with a GI of 70 or higher.

Factors Affecting the Glycemic Index of Foods

The glycemic index of foods can change due to several factors, including:

1. Food Processing Methods

The way food is processed, such as boiling, steaming, frying, and pureeing, can alter its glycemic index.

For example, the glycemic index of an apple is 38, while the glycemic index of unsweetened apple juice is 40.

2. Food Combinations

Combining different foods with varying glycemic indexes will alter the overall glycemic index of the meal.

3. Food Ripeness

The ripeness of food can affect its glycemic index. For instance, a less ripe banana has a glycemic index of 42, while a ripe banana has a glycemic index of 51.

4. Types of Carbohydrates

Foods containing simple carbohydrates like sucrose tend to have a higher glycemic index compared to foods with complex carbohydrates.

5. Fiber Content

A higher fiber content in food typically results in a lower glycemic index.

The Influence of the Glycemic Index of Food on the Body

Generally, foods with a low glycemic index are considered healthy as they do not cause a rapid increase in blood sugar.

Individuals with type 2 diabetes and those on a sugar-restricted diet are advised to consume foods with a low glycemic index to control blood sugar.

Additionally, low-glycemic-index foods keep the body feeling full for a longer time, preventing quick hunger and aiding in regulating eating patterns.

However, the glycemic index is not the sole factor in choosing foods. Frying lowers the glycemic index of food, but fried foods are higher in fat and calories.

So, besides the glycemic index, also consider the preparation method, nutritional content, and your dietary needs.

Some Foods with Their Glycemic Index

According to the Glycemic Index Guide, here are some examples of foods along with their glycemic index values.

Food NameGlycemic Index
Basmati Rice50
Broccoli (fresh)15
Carrot (fresh)30
Chocolate Milk34
Corn (fresh)35
Instant Noodle52

Glycemic Index of Cashew Nut

The cashew nut has a glycemic index of 25, making it a food with a low glycemic index. However, keep in mind that the cooking process can alter its glycemic index.

If you want to enjoy cashew nuts as a snack, choose those that are not fried, without added sweeteners, and without flavor enhancers.

Sugar Content in Cashew Milk

Cashew milk is one of the processed products from cashew nuts with low sugar. In 170 ml of cashew milk, there are 9 grams of sugar, and the total calorie count is 100 kcal.

Therefore, cashew milk can be an alternative if you prefer to consume cashew nut products. Besides being low in sugar, cashew milk also contains various nutrients and is lactose-free.

Arummi’s Recommendation: Let’s Try Arummi Low-Sugar Cashew Milk

Arummi cashew milk is a product designed to be low in sugar and lactose-free, making it easy to digest.

Arummi’s cashew milk is also enriched with various nutrients that are beneficial for your health.

Let’s taste the creamy, savory, and sweet Arummi’s cashew milk! Apart from consuming it directly, you can also make coffee with the Arummi Barista variant.

Get Arummi cashew milk at your local marketplace or supermarket


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